competency-based assessments for employers to test job performance and fit

Competency-based Assessments

Assessments to help predict real-world job performance

Are you recruiting new talent?

Contact Caroline Macklin, our Interim Manager of the People Consulting Team, today about adding Competency-based Assessments to your recruitment process.

How employees behave on the job is directly related to the achievement of job-related objectives. These factors which are not easily assessed at interviews, add a different dimension to identifying the right person-job fit. Competency-based assessments identify people’s behaviours and potential to succeed in a role, and equally those who are not suitable based on the required competencies. Incorporating engaging and interactive assessment exercises add invaluable insights into a candidate’s behaviours, soft skills and overall fit to the role and organisation.

candidate completing competency-based assessment for job interview
Role Play Icon

Can be used to assess candidates carrying out tasks and solving problems similar to those required in the potential role. A strong targeted role play may also provide a realistic preview of a role and allow the candidate to assess their interest. Collins McNicholas can create a bespoke role play exercise using an organisation’s processes, tools or scenarios.
Group Exercises Icon

Can be used to analyse a candidate’s interactions when working as part of a team, leadership skills or group problem solving abilities for example. Collins McNicholas can design and deliver Group Exercises on behalf of or in conjunction with organisations, including the provision of Assessor support and guidance.
Situational Judgement Icon

Can be used to assess job-related skills other assessments are unable to measure, such as problem solving, decision making and interpersonal skills. Collins McNicholas can develop real-life work situations relevant to the role. Responses are compared to the answers considered to be the right action by ‘subject matter experts’.
Analysis Presentation Icon

Can be used to assess a candidate’s ability to glean information or make decisions given a particular scenario and present this information back to the Assessor. Collins McNicholas can design and deliver assessment using an organisation’s own processes and data or using an off the shelf measure.
Competency-based Interview Icon

Can be used to assess candidates past experiences when they have performed particular tasks or achieved particular outcomes using certain skills. Collins McNicholas will consult with the client to identify competencies critical to the role to be assessed at interview.
When to Use Icon
  • Manage candidate expectations of the role with realistic job previews

  • Bespoke design for a specific job/organisation

  • Assess skills not easily viewed at interview

  • Ideal for high volume of applicants

  • Incorporates highly valid measures

  • Promotes employer branding

Benefits Icon
Employees assessments banner image

Read our articles on Assessments by our People Consulting Team