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How to approach first day nerves in a new job

  • Publish Date: Posted about 6 years ago
  • Author:by Niall Murray

​First days – we’ve all had them! Do you remember your first day of school? Nervous but excited, you hope everyone is friendly and that you get off to a good start, but you’re unsure what to expect. Some kids will barrel into this new environment without a care in the world. Others will be anxious, wondering what their new classmates will be like if the teacher will be nice, and how tough their new classes will be. Well, the first day of a new job is a little like the first day of school. Here are my top tips to help you get off to a great start in your new job.

Tip 1 – Good First Impression

Arrive on time, and be friendly and enthusiastic, without being over the top. Show everyone that you are happy to be there and looking forward to working with them. It can take a while for people to change their minds about you after a bad first impression, so you need to hit the ground running. Learn people’s names as quickly as possible and be as helpful as you can.

Tip 2 – Know Your Job

Your boss will have certain expectations for you when you start your job. You need to know what these are. You will also need to learn what parts of your job are the most important so that you can prioritise your tasks when under pressure with deadlines. Obtain a detailed job description from your boss so that you know precisely what is expected of you.

Tip 3 – Understand the Culture

Learn everything you can about the company’s policies and procedures. Observe how people interact with one another and how they go about their work. Talk to everybody. Your new colleagues will be a great source of information. It is up to you to adapt to their way of doing things.

Tip 4 – Find a Mentor

A mentor can give you an inside perspective on what it takes to get ahead in the company and can be an excellent source of knowledge and advice. A mentor should be someone you have a natural rapport with and is in a more senior position in the company. They will help you develop your career and make the most of your opportunity with the company. Having a mentor to guide you is a huge advantage.

Tip 5 – Commit to Your New Job

Leave your old job in the past where it belongs. Don’t repeatedly refer to it in conversation, whether you are being positive or negative. There is nothing worse than hearing someone constantly saying, “that’s not how we did things in my last company”.

Bonus Tip

Finally, remember to be patient. It takes time to settle into a new job, so embrace the challenge and get stuck in.


Niall Murray - Managing Director, Collins McNicholas Recruitment & HR Services Group
Niall Murray
​Managing Director