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10 Important Points to Note the Day of Your Interview

  • Publish Date: Posted over 8 years ago
  • Author:by Antoinette O'Flaherty

One of the most stressful elements of looking for employment is the interview process. The following simple tips will allow you to prepare for a successful interview and perform well on the day.

  1. Be on time. It is crucial not to be late on the day of your interview. Allocate plenty of time in the morning and plan your route to minimise any problems occurring. If something unforeseen happens, causing a delay to your journey, phone ahead and explain the situation while stating you will get there as soon as possible.

  2. Greet the interviewer with a firm handshake.

    A positive first impression is very important. When shaking the interviewer’s hand it is important to have direct eye contact while also smiling politely. You will come across as assertive and composed.

  3. Stay calm.

    This will allow you to think more clearly and therefore you will deliver better responses as a result. Feeling anxious and nervous is normal in an interview, the key thing is being able to control it. It is important to note that the interviewers were once in your position.

  4. Listen carefully and take your time answering.

    Take a moment after a question to think about what is being asked and how best to answer it before replying.

  5. Don’t get carried away.

    It is important to provide a full response to the question asked; however, it is also important not to speak for longer than is necessary or to go off-topic.

  6. Ask for a question to be repeated or explained if necessary.

    This will give you both more time to think about your response while also getting a better insight into what type of answer the interviewer seeks.

  7. Give responses that are clear, relevant and provide sufficient information.

    It is important the interviewer understands the point you are trying to make. Keep to the point by providing a clear understanding of the topic.

  8. Highlight skills and experiences in a positive manner.

    Link your responses to previous experiences when possible while highlighting how your actions generated positive outcomes.

  9. Don’t panic.

    You might get a question you hadn’t anticipated. If you answer it poorly don’t dwell on it. Your success will not depend on one answer but on how you perform in the interview overall.

  10. Thank the interviewer for the opportunity and add how much you would like to work for the company.

    This will leave the interviewer with a positive impression. Passionate individuals work hard and perform better and this is what employers are looking for.

Antoinette O'Flaherty - Director
Antoinette O'Flaherty